A place for me to write down junk that I would not send to others in an email. I guess.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Heartless, soul-less witch.

MSNBC - Wreck victim recalls using blood for last words

Unbelievable! So ... I'm sure you have heard the story of the dude in the train wreck a couple of weeks ago that scrawled love messages to his wife and kids with his own blood. His 22 year old daughter has this to say about it:

"It’s very sweet and I know he cares about us a lot," she said. "But he should have been worried about keeping the blood inside instead of playing with it."

What a bitch! You know, I accept that I have about as much skill, understanding and experience with women as I do with a nuclear warhead. But I think she is a typical example of the cruel nature of the current generation of American females. Boys of my generation were raised on G.I. Joe who told us that "knowing is half the battle." What cartoon or cultural influence taught girls, "cruelty, hatred and spite are golden virtues."

Even if she THINKS this stuff, she couldn't just say, "Aw! Daddy! That was so sweet!" and leave it at that. NO!!! She has to get on public TV and say, "My dad is a dumb-a$$."

OK. So I'm pretty cynical about women these days.


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