A place for me to write down junk that I would not send to others in an email. I guess.

Friday, July 08, 2005


About two years ago, Microsoft gave me a really, really nice leather journal. I have hauled it to meetings all over this campus. I LOVE it. When I first got it, I thought it would be really nice to have one just like it (sans the Microsoft logo) to take to church and write notes upon.

I really thought about that. I have sat through literally thousands of sermons, Bible studies, classes, chapels, etc. I have spent a good percentage of my life at these things. I couldn't tell you about two of them. They're gone. The only way to keep all of that is to write it down. Hence, the little journal looked perfect.

Two years ago, the manufacturer didn't sell their wares online. In fact, no one did! I couldn't even find it on eBay. And I never have been able to find another nice leather journal that I liked as well. So I procrastinated. Well, just the other day I tried again. Lo and behold they have an online store now! I ordered my journal. It is sitting on my desk right now. I LOVE it! I can't wait to use it. I think I want to go to a nice office supply store and buy a nice pen to go with it. Come sit by me at church and check it out.


Blogger Katie said...

You're a better man than I (well I'm not a man)...how bout this...you're a better person than I am if you can actually keep a journal. I have several, all half used, because I use one for a while, put it down, and never pick it up again. Then, I get the urge to journal again, and want to start all over...thus the pile of half used journals lying all over my home. Good luck!

10:51 PM

Blogger LB said...

It was nice. And it smelled pretty...like a new car!

10:29 AM


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